Sunday, 10 October 2010

metal guru

I take a lot of style inspiration from fabulous men. Aside from Keef and Jimi (as if you hadn't guessed already :P) I  lurve love Marc Bolan's style, and this started back when I was little and thought the dude was a lady...

Back in the day my mum got this Virgin records Glam Rock video to take her back to her glam rockin' twenteens and this is now a real childhood memory for me (except the video was tragically eaten by my VHS player two years ago *wipes tear*. I was mesmorised by Gary Glitter's huge silver platforms and the tiger motif bodysuit that Brian Connolly wore in a live performance of 'Hellraiser'. I did some drawings for an imaginary label called 'Jeepster' that largely consisted of flares and top hats with big mirror discs a-la Slade, ha if only I could do that in reality. 

But the one thing, perhaps not particularly exciting, that has stuck with me is the outfit that Marc Bolan wore in a video for 'Get it On'. I have never found a replica of that Rupert the Bear t-shirt. If anybody knows where I can find one of these please tell me immediately and I will forever be in your debt! Tee hee.

Check it out here:


Sassi said...

great song. love your blog!

Rich Hippie said...

loooooovveee this post, a refreshing read from bloggers usual

oh today I went shopping
or looks from fashion week
....its like know already!!! and we never gave a shit in the first place